Trust­ed by
Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing Services 

App Mar­ket­ing

Tar­get­ed mar­ket­ing of your applications.

This is how you get your app to stand out from the crowd:

Do you have an app? Is it strug­gling to reach a top posi­tion in the app stores? Would you like to increase its down­load count? Look no fur­ther! Our app store opti­mi­sa­tions will place your app at the top and we will also make sure to increase your rev­enue with the help of install cam­paigns and in-​app measures.

App store opti­mi­sa­tion (ASO)

Become num­ber one in the app store.

There is a lot of com­pe­ti­tion in app stores. For that rea­son, it is cru­cial that your apps are prop­er­ly placed in them. There are many fac­tors which come into play when it comes to such place­ment: e.g., cor­rect key­words, images and descrip­tions. We know the suc­cess fac­tors and will apt­ly use them to bring your apps to the top!

Install cam­paigns incl. Google UACs & Apple Search Ads 

Increase your install count of your apps!

Devel­op­ing an app is one thing, dis­trib­ut­ing it is anoth­er. We will set up install cam­paigns for you, and pos­i­tive­ly stim­u­late the down­load count of your apps via pro­mo­tions, so that your apps do not fade into the vast­ness of the app stores. Your apps are meant to be used!

In-​app measures 


Do you want to get more of your cus­tomers to pur­chase the paid ver­sion of your app, so to you can boost your rev­enue? We will plan and coor­di­nate clever in-​app mea­sures to make your Paid Con­tent more appeal­ing to your customers!

Give your apps a boost now!

We will glad­ly advise you! Arrange an appoint­ment for free now.
Our ser­vices in the area of
App Mar­ket­ing:
Your ben­e­fits:
Relief of inter­nal resources 
More app-use 
More visibility 
‘A great ser­vice provider that not only sticks to its promis­es, but also thinks along the way. Par­tic­u­lar­ly the point “entre­pre­neur­ial think­ing in the inter­ests of the cus­tomer” exem­pli­fies the cooperation.’
Malte Peters
Gen­er­al Man­ag­er bei FUNKE Mediengruppe

Get advice here — no strings attached!

Do you have a spe­cif­ic request, or would you like to find out more about our ser­vices? Sched­ule a free, no-​obligation con­sul­ta­tion now by e‑mail or phone, or send us your inquiry using the con­tact form. We look for­ward to hear­ing from you!

Your data will be processed accord­ing to our Data Pro­tec­tion Dec­la­ra­tion .