Trust­ed by


Exter­nal project man­age­ment as per Kanban


Start of a new intranet presence

The new and inter­ac­tive NDR intranet offers employ­ees a medi­um through which they can exchange mes­sages and infor­ma­tion, and it aids as a sup­port for the inte­gra­tion of employ­ees into the company.

The chal­lenge:
being able to pro­vide employ­ees with the oppor­tu­ni­ty of get­ting to know the ins and outs of the new intranet while it is in its devel­op­ment and test stages — to ease the switch from the old intranet to the new one. At the same time, gath­er­ing valu­able feed­back, sug­ges­tions and ques­tions about the func­tion and design of the new intranet before it goes live.


Devel­op­ment of an exter­nal pre­view land­ing page
  • Inte­gra­tion of a con­tact form, FAQs and video content
  • Assign­ment of a cus­tomer care man­age­ment team that is open to any ques­tions and sug­ges­tions of NDR employees


Faster project sup­port via 4millions
  • Selec­tion and com­mis­sion­ing of a suit­able web design­er for the imple­men­ta­tion of the land­ing page
  • Coor­di­na­tion between all involved parties
  • Advice on design development
  • Host­ing the exter­nal land­ing page
  • Trou­bleshoot­ing


Relief of inter­nal teams
  • Relief of the in-​house IT
  • Brief onboard­ing and quick inter­ac­tion with every­one involved
  • Expe­ri­enced spar­ring partner
  • No main­te­nance of the land­ing page (e.g. when expand­ing the FAQs) thanks to the man­aged ser­vice of 4millions
  • Rapid com­ple­tion of the project
Get start­ed with us now!
We will glad­ly advise you! Arrange an appoint­ment for free now.
Our best case für NDR: 

Get advice here — no strings attached!

Do you have a spe­cif­ic request, or would you like to find out more about our ser­vices? Sched­ule a free, no-​obligation con­sul­ta­tion now by e‑mail or phone, or send us your inquiry using the con­tact form. We look for­ward to hear­ing from you!

Your data will be processed accord­ing to our Data Pro­tec­tion Dec­la­ra­tion .