Trust­ed by
E‑Commerce Services 

E‑Commerce- &
Ama­zon Marketing

Get the most out of your online business.

Increase your rev­enue with these services:

Would you like to get the most out of your online shop with the use of clever mar­ket­ing strate­gies? Would you like to take off on Ama­zon? We will help you reach the best results for your e‑commerce with the use of fit­ting key­words and effec­tive cam­paign plans.

Key­word research 

Seek, and ye shall find.

If you want to be found as well as opti­mise your prod­uct place­ment online, then you will have to use the cor­rect key­words. They ensure that your prod­ucts are the first thing that your tar­get group sees on Google, Ama­zon and co. upon look­ing for these prod­ucts online. But what are the right key­words for your products?

We will analyse your online pres­ence and put togeth­er the right set of key­words for you.

Cam­paign plan­ning and set-up 

Well posi­tioned from the start.

Do you want your prod­uct to gain more atten­tion through online advertising?

With a care­ful arrange­ment and plan­ning of your ad groups, bids, or key­words, we can reach your tar­get group with swift­ness and pre­ci­sion. After the plan­ning phase, we will of course take over the set-​up and imple­men­ta­tion of the cam­paigns for you, to secure a smooth online pres­ence for your products.

Cam­paign optimisation 

Keep the goal in sight.

Do not leave your online cam­paign up to chance; we will keep a keen eye on your cam­paigns and will con­stant­ly be adjust­ing and eval­u­at­ing which ads are best received.

This way you will reach the peo­ple for whom the prod­uct is rel­e­vant and there­by con­vince them to pur­chase your product.

Increase your sales now!

We will glad­ly advise you! Arrange an appoint­ment for free now.
Our ser­vices in the area of
E‑Commerce- & Ama­zon Mar­ket­ing:
Your ben­e­fits:
More visibility 
Opti­mised campaigns 
E‑Commerce expertise 
‘I have worked with the 4millions team for many years on var­i­ous projects. They have always con­vinced us with their smart ideas, their reli­able imple­men­ta­tion as well as their entre­pre­neur­ial think­ing. The projects have brought us a step fur­ther each time, espe­cial­ly since work­ing with them has always been a delight.’
Wiebke Kirschke
Media Con­sul­tant

Get advice here — no strings attached!

Do you have a spe­cif­ic request or would you like to find out more about our ser­vices? Arrange a non­bind­ing and free con­ver­sa­tion, or send us your request using the con­tact form. We look for­ward to you hear­ing from you!

Your data will be processed accord­ing to our Data Pro­tec­tion Dec­la­ra­tion .
Anja Viss­ch­er

4millions GmbH