Trust­ed by


4millions GmbH
Am Sand­torkai 72
20457 Ham­burg

E‑Mail: hello@​4millions.​de

Phone: 040 36881345 – 0

USt​.ID: DE304638380

Ham­burg Dis­trict Court HRB 139844

CEOs & Founders: Anja Viss­ch­er, Philipp Wolde (v.i.S.d.P)

Web design and tech­ni­cal implementation

Felix Kaus­mann — Free­lance Online Mar­ket­ing Expert
Web­de­sign / SEO / E‑Mail Automa­tion / Copy­writ­ing / Con­tent Mar­ket­ing

Pho­to and sound credits

„Liq­uid Cheese“ of SVG​Back​grounds​.com, CC BY 4.0 / No changes made

Feath­er Icons“ of Cole Bemis, MIT License

Video auto­mat­ic text gen­er­a­tion: music by FRAME­TRAXX UG („Walk­ing on Air“)

Pic­tures web­site: ManyPix­els

Pic­tures social media: unDraw