Trust­ed by
E‑Commerce Services 

More Effi­cien­cy
in E‑Commerce

With con­tent which sells.

Online sales made easy.

How can you make your online shop stand out from oth­ers? Us as con­tent spe­cial­ists, we will help you place your prod­ucts in the best pos­si­ble man­ner, grab the atten­tion of your clients, as well as con­vince your clients with the right con­tent. We offer you lean ser­vices for suc­cess­ful e‑commerce!

Our work process:


Our healthy hands-​on men­tal­i­ty will get your project focused on the road ahead. We want to help you as quick­ly and effi­cient­ly as pos­si­ble; that is why we keep the onboard­ing effort to a minimum. 


We offer you con­tem­po­rary and future ori­ent­ed solu­tions and deliv­er results which will bring you forward. 


Trust is the cor­ner­stone for every suc­cess­ful coop­er­a­tion. In order to ensure that, we will pro­vide you with clear offers, fair billing mod­els and bind­ing as well as reli­able updates on projects. 

Auto­mat­ic Text Generation 

Auto­mat­i­cal­ly gen­er­at­ed texts? Look no further!

With the help of 4millions and the AI tech­nol­o­gy of Retresco you will be able to gen­er­ate con­tent from data with ease.

As such, you not only save time and mon­ey, but also gen­er­ate texts of a con­sis­tent­ly high qual­i­ty lev­el, which are even opti­mised for the com­mon search engines.

E‑Commerce Content 

Cre­ate trust; arouse emotions!

Have you ever ordered a prod­uct online with­out hav­ing access to any infor­ma­tion about it? Texts and images are sig­nif­i­cant con­trib­u­tors to pur­chase decisions.

We sup­port you in the cre­ation of con­tent, be it clas­si­cal or auto­mat­ed. Opti­mised con­tent will bring you to the top of any mar­ket­place in an instant. 

Cus­tomer care management 

Ampli­fy your success.

Respond­ing to cus­tomers’ ques­tions and sug­ges­tions is an impor­tant part of every sales­per­son — espe­cial­ly in online mar­kets. But how are you sup­posed to find the time to respond to all of these enquiries?

Our cus­tomer care man­age­ment ser­vice can help you save time by answer­ing cus­tomer reviews and ques­tions for you. There is more: you will also gain impor­tant insights from your tar­get group in order to improve your products!

E‑Commerce- & Ama­zon Marketing 

Make the most out of your shop!

Would you like to get the most out of your online shop with the use of clever mar­ket­ing strate­gies? Would you like to take off on Ama­zon? We will help you reach the best results for your e‑commerce with the use of fit­ting key­words and effec­tive cam­paign plans.

Project man­age­ment & realisation 

Relief through exter­nal project man­age­ment through Kanban.

Flat hier­ar­chies and a hands-​on men­tal­i­ty with­out devi­a­tions: this is what we have to offer with our flex­i­ble project management.

Well-​known part­ners who place their trust in us:

‘I have worked with the 4millions team for many years on var­i­ous projects. They have always con­vinced us with their smart ideas, their reli­able imple­men­ta­tion as well as their entre­pre­neur­ial think­ing. The projects have brought us a step fur­ther each time, espe­cial­ly since work­ing with them has always been a delight.’
Wiebke Kirschke
Media Con­sul­tant

Get advice here — no strings attached!

Do you have a spe­cif­ic request or would you like to find out more about our ser­vices? Arrange a non­bind­ing and free con­ver­sa­tion, or send us your request using the con­tact form. We look for­ward to you hear­ing from you!

Your data will be processed accord­ing to our Data Pro­tec­tion Dec­la­ra­tion .
Anja Viss­ch­er

4millions GmbH